Kokkekrise i Skandinavia: Strategier for å tiltrekke og beholde de beste kulinariske talentene
Diana Soprana, founder @Soprana Personell Norge Den skandinaviske gjestfrihetssektoren står overfor en betydelig kokkekrise, hvor utfordringen med å finne og beholde de beste kulinariske talentene er mer presserende enn noensinne. Med en svekket norsk krone som gjør Norge mindre attraktivt for internasjonale talenter, har dette resultert i et stramt arbeidsmarked…5 outsourcing applications every company should consider
HR outsourcing is an excellent solution for many companies as it allows you to transfer some of the HR-related responsibilities to a group of professionals. However, in order to boost productivity and make your HR department work more efficiently, and deliver desired results on time, some intelligent and innovative HR…Saving time and money with HR outsourcing
As the company grows, the same thing happens with your HR responsibilities. Developing new and advancing the existing HR processes may help not only your business but also its employees. It will make them more productive, the workflow will be more efficient and harmonious, and they would stay on top…How to Prevent Employee Turnover in Your Restaurant?
A certain level of employee turnover is unavoidable in any company but too much of it can become dangerous to your business. It is not only a huge waste of time but also incredibly expensive since you have to find and to retrain new employees. Usually employees leave if they…4 Reasons Why Chefs Quit their Jobs and How to Avoid That
Many young people that graduate from schools dream about becoming chefs. And that is totally understandable – cooking is a creative job, you can make other people happy, and there is even a possibility to become a celebrity. Most of chefs admit that their job is amusing and fun, and…