Restaurant Social Media Post Ideas: How to Make Your Page More Popular?

As we live in an era of social media, we all know what a big part of time we spend on the Internet. You can criticise it but that is our reality. We watch movies and news on the Internet, we read articles and we also search for the best restaurants and hotels there because we can immediately get an impression of it. We judge the sites in the blink of an eye, so therefore you better spend some time to make it perfect. A cool and comfortable page that provides information to the customer in a simple and quick way will definetily attract more clients to you.

Good food photography

One of the easiest ways to properly represent your restaurant in the social media pages is by posting great pictures of your food. Everyone can understand a picture – even tourists and business travelers that do not speak foreign languages. Food pictures will also attract local eaters since a nice photo is more appealing than just a description of the dish. But be smart and invest into the quality – think about the most photogenic dishes and think how to present it. Before you photograph the food, think how to reveal the best sides of it, because every meal requires a different angle. When you appload the picture, pair it with some written content – it will be remembered for a longer time. You can organize your pictures on the website in such a way so that your customers are seeing what you want them to see. For instance, put your best dishes in the center of the website.

Day in the life

Upload some videos or pictures from your workplace. You can upload them on Facebook or Instagram, or other popular social media websites. They do not really have to be anything special, but they will just remind your audience about yourself. These photos will also awaken your customer’s apetite. What can be more attractive than a freshly made dish coming right from the oven – maybe only a video of a person eating and commenting it! Oh, this would immediately bring a bunch of clients to your restaurant. Recently Instagram Stories have become very popular, so it can be very smart to post some photos on the regular wall, and post the videos in the Stories because there are more users that check Stories than regular Instagram walls.

Respond to your reviews

You should always respond to all your online reviews – not only to the negative ones, but also to the positive ones. It is natural that everyone focus on the negative feedback since it makes a lot of damage to the business but you should at least thank the customers for their time they spent writing a nice review which makes a great advertising to your restaurant. Most customers expect to get an answer to their comment, particularly to the one that is negative or critical. What is the best way to respond to online reviews? Well, first of all, try to answer as fast as you can. Write their name and thank for the review, even if it is a negative one because it helps you to improve. Always apologize and try not to defend yourself, rather explain why this or that happened. Create as many review opportunities as possible because it boosts your visibility. Do not forget to react to details your customers mentioned so that they feel heard. Reacting to reviews builds trust, because other people might see your clever response and they will make a positive impression of you. That is very important for building a good reputation.

Games and activities

Every page becomes more popular and clients get more interested in your restaurant if you give them an opportunity to participate in. You can create a photo contest where your customers have to post their own pictures in the comment section. For example, ask them to post a picture of their favourite dish from your restaurant. You can also build a pool where you ask them about their favourite dessert or drink. And, of course, reward them with a prize because people love the opportunity to win something. Remember the Facebook contest formula „comment+share“ because it brings a lot of clients. It is as easy as that! You can also put someone in charge of your social media marketing so that it’s always taken care of.

If you want to be remembered, be present on the social media. It is up to you how often you will be posting there. Of course, sending the link as many times as possible will marginally increase your visibility, but you definetily do not want to become annoying. And never, never make bigger breaks, because it is very easy to become forgotten.


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